Although this explanation is concerned with the war years of 1914-18, it is necessary to understand the peacetime organisation of this Army in order to see how it was organised and commanded in war. Thus some details are given of the pre-war organs, most of which continued to function after war had begun with, perhaps, slightly changed functions and titles.
The Supreme Commander (Oberster Kriegsherr) was the Monarch, served by a Military Chancellery (Militärkanzlei Seiner Majestät des Kaisers und Königs) headed by a senior general. In 1914, because of his age, Franz Josef delegated the Commander-in-Chief's post to Erzherzog Friedrich who held it until Erzherzog-Thronfolger Karl succeeded to the throne in November 1916. Command was exercised from the General Headquarters (AOK=Armee-oberkommando), located initially at Wien. On 18th August 1914 it moved to Przemysl and then to Neusandez on 13th September before moving to Teschen on 11th November 1914. It remained there until 4th April 1917 and moved to Voslau until 15th February 1917, when it made its final move to Baden bei Wien. It was there when the war ended.
Prior to the war the Chief of the General Staff (Generalstabschef), GO Freiherr Conrad von Hötzendorf, planned and carried out the Monarch's policies for the Army in conjunction with the Monarch's Militärkanzlei and the other bodies that provided for and ran the day-to-day functions of that Service. Upon mobilisation, GO Conrad moved to AOK, where he became the C-in-C's right hand man.
In war the field army was organised in Armies. Plans and cadres for six Army Headquarters were in existence and these headquarters were mobilised as Serials 2, 4, 5, 13 and 15 of Appendix A to this chapter. The commanders of these Armies were drawn from the six senior of the Armeeinspektoren, who had the responsibility in peace of checking on the state of training morale and discipline of elements of the army. Five of the Army Commanders came from inspectors stationed in Wien, the sixth being the general commanding all troops in Bosnia-Herzegovina and Dalmatia. This officer was also head of the government of Bosnia-Herzegovina, which had been annexed in 1908 and was, peculiarly, the responsibility of the k.u.k. Minister of Finance. In war he became Commander of 6 Armee and also Commander of the Bosnia-Herzegovina, Dalmatia Command, which included 5 Armee, and initially 2 Armee - subject to some control by AOK.
The highest command level that operated in peacetime was that of corps district (Militär-territorial(Korps)bezirk); see Appendix A to this chapter. These covered the entire area of the Monarchy and within Austria commanded all troops within their boundaries. In Hungary they commanded only the k.u.k. formations and units in their areas, the Honvéd being under command of the Hungarian Ministry of Defence in Budapest. Upon the declaration of mobilisation these headquarters each mobilised a Corps Headquarters which took the field, whilst the functions of district command continued to be exercised in war by a Militärkommando from the same location as in peace.
Each Militärterritorial(Korps)bezirk was also responsible in peace for some of the 112 k.u.k. Ergänzungsbezirke, introduced in Chapter 2, producing men for k.u.k. units. 60 of these complementing districts were in Austria, 3 being in the Tirol. 48 were in Hungary and 4 in Bosnia-Herzegovina. 102 were responsible for men for the 102 k.u.k. Infanterieregimenter; the three in the Tirol found men for the KJR and the four in Bosnia-Herzegovina dealt with the four bhIR. A check of these figures will show that only 109 districts have been accounted for! The remaining three (Triest, Sebenico and Fiume) found men for the k.u.k. Kriegsmarine and operated under naval control. See Appendix B to this chapter.
Reference has been made in earlier chapters to the three Ministries for War/Defence that were responsible to the Monarch and to the Austrian and Hungarian Parliaments for elements of the armed forces. In Wien, with the k.u.k. Kriegsminister at its head, was the k.u.k. Kriegsministerium with responsibility for both the Army (Heer) and the Navy (Kriegs-marine). Also in Wien was the k.k. Ministerium für Landesverteidigung under its own k.k. Minister with its associated k.k. Landwehroberkommando. This latter was responsible for the training and fitness for war of the k.k. Landwehr through the k.k. Landwehrterritorialbezirke. In Budapest was the k.u. Landesverteidigungsministerium (M.kir. honvéd ministerium) and its k.u. Landwehroberkommando (M.kir. honvéd föparancsnokság). The minister in each case was a senior general, and so of course were the two Landwehr/Honvéd commanders. The ministries were responsible, respectively, for the administration, manning and financing of the three elements of the armed forces, k.u.k., k.k. and k.u. They did this in conjunction with the Militärkanzlei, the k.u.k. Militärterritorial(Korps)bezirke and the Landwehrober-kommandos, but it must be noted that command of the Honvéd was vested in the Hungarian ministry on behalf of the Monarch, at least until war began.
Appendix C to this chapter gives details of the nine k.k. Landwehrterritorialbezirke and their associated k.k. Landwehr (or in the Tirol, Landesschützen) Ergänzungsbezirke that found the men. Appendix D to this chapter gives details of the six k.u. Landwehrdistrikte (Honvéd kerület) and of the Honvéd units raised by each. The districts mentioned in Appendices C and D continued in being during the war.
At Appendices E and F to this chapter will be found the comparable data for the k.k. and k.u. Landsturm (M.kir. Népfölkelés). In Austria the Landsturm, under the overall direction of the Ministry of Defence, was administered through 41 k.k. Landsturmbezirkskommandos. Their geographical areas did not coincide with the areas from which the Landwehr Infanterieregimenter were raised. They planned to form only infantry regiments and battalions for war; 17 k.k. LstIR were planned for and 19 were raised, together with a number of LstIBaone. These were organised in k.k. LstIBrig and indeed two LstID were formed in August 1914: 95LstID and 106LstID. The former did not last but 106LstID saw service on both the Russian and Italian fronts before serving on the Western front in France at the end of the war.
The Hungarian Landsturm was organised in a different way. The infantry regiments were born out of the Lst cadre kept in each HIR depot, and bore the same number as their parent HIR. Also independent battalions were formed that bore the number of the parent k.u. LstKmdo and HIR. Thus k.u. LstIBaon1/5 was the first k.u. Landsturm infantry battalion of independent status formed from the Szeged, No5, area; reference to Appendix D to this chapter will show the HIR numbers and areas. Unlike the k.k. Landsturm, the M.kir. Népfölkelés raised cavalry units. These were the k.u. LstHusD (M.kir. huszár osztályok) which were raised from the Honvéd Huszár Regimenter. Each HHR had at its depot a record office that maintained the names of those eligible to serve in its associated k.u. LstHusD and at mobilisation such units were formed from an existing cadre.
Once the war had begun and it was realised that it would not be short, arrangements were made through the existing organisation to raise other kinds of Landwehr units, particularly for duty behind but close to the operational areas. Additional Landsturm units were also raised for duty in the homelands as well as in the occupied territories.
In the Tirol and Vorarlberg there was in existence another organisation that was invaluable when the Italians entered the war. Following the bravery exhibited by the peoples of these provinces during the Napoleonic Wars, the Emperor had granted them the right to bear arms in perpetuity. This was given practical reality by the creation of the k.k. Schiessstande (literally 'shooting ranges'). These were administered under the guidance of the k.k. Ministerium für Landesverteidigung in Wien by k.k. Landeshauptschiessstande in Innsbruck and Bregenz, with branches at district, main town and village level throughout the two provinces. This organisation was not under military command but received guidance and assistance from the local military commanders. Membership was open to all men over the age of 17, but their full time military service took priority. Boys aged 16 could belong to the Jungschützenschule and joined the Standschützen at the age of 17. Members took an oath 'To defend the Fatherland and be true to the Kaiser' which was kept in the war years to the bitter end. Members attended exercises four times a year and had to fire sixty shots on the range at each of these.
Further reference is made in the following chapters to each of the parts of the Army that have been mentioned in outline above. It is a complex subject. The organisation of the Army of the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy in 1914 cannot be equated to the army that the British people went to war with in that year. It bore a resemblance to other European armies of the time but was unique and merits our study and respect.
To close this chapter a word should be written about the Royal guards. There were no Household Troops in Austro-Hungary. Guards at the royal palaces were found by the infantry regiments stationed locally. There were, however, the equivalents of the British Corps of Gentlemen-at-Arms and Yeomen of the Guard in close attendance on the Monarch. These were under the command of the Oberster aller Garden, who was the Erste Obersthofmeister Seiner Majestät. They consisted of two officers' Life Guards each led by a senior general officer with four Gardeoberoffiziere, some 40 Gardechargen and some 30 Gardehauspersonale.
There were also four Life Guards manned by non-commissioned officers:
These two were each commanded by a senior general officer, with some 50 non-commissioned officers.
The officers and non-commissioned officers of the Life Guards at c. to f. above were seconded from their regiments to this duty for two or three years. In addition, at Budapest, there was the k.u. Kronwache (M.kir. Korona örség), consisting of a commandant (Stabsoffizier), four officers, some non-commissioned officers and some 40 infantry soldiers with some trumpeters/buglers.
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a | b | C | d | e |
1 | I | Krakau W. Galicia, Silesia, N. Moravia | 1-Troppau 13-Krakau 20-Neusandez 54-Olmütz 56-Wadowice 57-Tarnów 93-Mährisch-Schönberg 100-Teschen | 1 KpsKmdo-Krakau 5ID-Olmütz 12ID-Krakau 7KD-Krakau 46LID-Krakau |
2 | II | Wien Lower Austria, S. Moravia | 3-Kremsier 4-Wien A 8-Brünn 49-StPölten 81-Iglau 84-Wien B 99-Znaim | 1 ArmeeKmdo-Wien 4 ArmeeKmdo-Wien II KpsKmdo-Wien 4ID-Brünn 25ID-Wien 3KD-Wien 13LID-Wien |
3 | III | Graz Styria, Carinthia, Carniola, Triest, Görz, Gradisca | 7-Klagenfurt 17-Laibach 27-Graz 47-Marburg 87-Cilli 97-Triest | III KpsKmdo-Graz 6ID-Graz 28ID-Laibach 22LID-Graz |
4 | IV | Budapest Central Hungary | 6-Neusatz (Ujvidek) 23-Zombor 32-Budapest 38-Kecskemét 44-Kaposvár 52-Pécs 68-Szolnok 69-Székesfehérvár 86-Szabadka | 2 ArmeeKmdo-Budapest IV KpsKmdo-Budapest 31ID-Budapest 32ID-Budapest 5HKD-Budapest 10KD-Budapest 40HID-Budapest 41HID-Budapest |
5 | V | Pozsony (Preßburg) W. Hungary | 12-Komárom 19-Györ 26-Esztergom 48-Groß-Kanizsa 71-Trencsén 72-Pozsony 76-Sopron 83-Szombathely | 3 ArmeeKmdo-Pozsony V KpsKmdo-PozsorIy 14ID-Pozsony 33ID-Komárom 2KD-Pozsony 37HID-Pozsony |
6 | VI | Kassa (Kaschau) N. Hungary | 5-Szatmár-Németi 25-Losoncz 34-Kassa 60-Eger (Erlau) 65-Munkács 66-Ungvár 67-Eperjes 85-Marmaros-Szigeth | VI KpsKmdo-Kassa 15ID-Miskolcz 27ID-Kassa 39HID-Kassa |
7 | VIII | Temesvár E. Hungary less Transylvania | 29-Nagybecskerek 33-Arad 37-Nagy-Várad 39-Debreczen 43-Fehertemplon 46-Szeged 61-Temesvár 101-Békescsaba | VII KpsKmdo-Temesvár 17ID-Nagy-Várad 23HID-Szeged 34ID-Temesvár 1KD-Temesvár 11HKD-Debreczen 20HID-Nagy-Várad |
8 | VIII | Prag SW. Bohemia | 11-Pisek 28-Prag 35-Pilsen 73-Eger 75-Neuhaus 88-Beraun 91-Budweis 102-Beneschau | VIII KpsKmdo-Prag 9ID-Prag 19ID-Pilsen 21LID-Prag |
9 | IX | Leitmeritz NE. Bohemia | 18-Königgrätz 21-Caslau 36-Jungbunzlau 42-Theresienstadt 74-Jicin 92-Komotau 94-Turnau 98-Hohenmauth | IX KpsKmdo-Leitmeritz 10ID-Josefstadt 29ID-Theresienstadt 26LID-Leitmeritz |
10 | X | Przemysl Central Galicia | 9-Stryj 10-Przemysl 40-Rzeszów 45-Sanok 77-Sambor 89-Grödek-Jagiellonski 90-Jaroslau | X KpsKmdo-Przemysl 2ID-Jaroslau 24ID-Przemysl 6KD-Jaroslau 45LID-Przemysl |
11 | XI | Lemberg E. Galicia, Bukowina | 15-Tarnopol 24-Kolomea 30-Lemberg 41-Czernowitz 55-Brzezány 58-Stanislau 80-Zloczów 95-Czortków | XI KpsKmdo-Lemberg 11ID-Lemberg 30ID-Lemberg 4KD-Lemberg 8KD-Stanislau 9KD-Lemberg 43LID-Czernowitz |
12 | XII | Nagyszeben (Hermannstadt) Transylvania | 2-Brassó (Kronstadt) 31-Nagyszeben 50-Gyulafehérvir (Karlsburg) 51-Kolozsvár 62-Maros-Vásarhely 63-Besztercze 64-Szászváros 82-Székely-Udvárhely | XII Kps Kmdo-Nagyszeben 16ID-Nagyszeben 35ID-Kolozsvár 38HID-Kolozsvár |
13 | XIII | Zagreb (Agram) Croatia, Slavonia, Fiume | 16-Belovar 53-Zagreb 70-Petrovardin (Peterwardein) 78-Osijek (Esseg) 79-Otocac 96-Karlovac (Karlstadt) | 5 ArmeeKmdo-Zagreb XIII KpsKmdo-Zagreb 7ID-Osijek 36ID-Zagreb 42HID-Zagreb |
14 | XIV | Innsbruck Tirol, Vorarlberg, Upper Austria, Salzburg | 14-Linz 59-Salzburg 103-Innsbruck 104-Brixen 105-Trient | XIV KpsKmdo-Innsbruck 3ID-Linz 8ID-Bozen 44LID-Innsbruck |
15 | XV | Sarajevo Bosnia | 106-Sarajevo 107-Banja Luka 108-Dolufa Tuzla | 6 ArmeeKmdo-Sarajevo XV KpsKmdo-Sarajevo 1ID-Sarajevo 48ID-Sarajevo |
16 | XVI | Ragusa Herzegovina, Dalmatia | 22-Sinj 109-Mostar | XVI KpsKmdo-Ragusa 18ID-Mostar 47ID-Castelnuovo |
Each kuk Militärterritorial(Korps)bezirk was known by its number, thus: III Militärterritorial(Korps)bezirk, Graz. That number was the same as carried by the associated Korps on mobilization, thus: III Korps
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a | b | c | d | e | f | g |
1 | Troppau | 1 | Krakau | FJB16-Riva | ||
2 | Kronstadt (Brassó) | 2 | Kronstadt | |||
3 | Kremsier | 3 | Teschen | |||
4 | Wien A | 4 | Wien | DR3 | Wien | |
5 | Szatmár- Németi | 5 | Eperjes | |||
6 | Neusatz (Uvidek) | 6 | Budapest | |||
7 | Klagenfurt | 7 | Graz | FJB8-Villach | ||
8 | Brünn | 8 | Brünn | DR6 | Przemysl | FJBI7-Judenburg & FJB25-Wien |
9 | Stryj | 9 | Przemysl | |||
10 | Przemysl | 10 | Przemysl | UR11 | Pardubitz | FJB14? |
UR6 | Rzeszów | |||||
11 | Pisek | 11 | Prag | DR14 | Brandeis an der Elbe | |
12 | Komorn (Kómarom) | 12 | Znaim-Klosterbruck | HR5 | Komárom |
FJB19-Klagenfurt |
13 | Krakau | 13 | Troppau | UR1 | Lemberg | FDB13-Innsbruck |
14 | Linz | 14 | Linz | DR4 | Enns | |
15 | Tarnopol | 15 | Tarnopol | |||
16 | Belovar | 16 | Wien | UR5 | Szombathely | |
17 | Laibach | 17 | Klagenfurt | FJB7-Canale | ||
18 | Königgrätz | 18 | Königgrätz | DR8 | Jaroslau | FJB2-Borgo |
DR3 | Klattau | |||||
19 | Györ | 19 | Tolmein | FJB11-Gradisca | ||
20 | Neusandez | 20 | Krakau | |||
21 | Caslau | 21 | Kuttenberg | |||
22 | Sinj | 22 | Mostar | |||
23 | Zombor | 23 | Budapest | |||
24 | Kolomea | 24 | Lemberg | DR9 | Brody | |
25 | Losoncz | 25 | Losoncz | FJB29-Monfalcone | ||
26 | Esztergom | 26 | Györ | |||
27 | Graz | 27 | Laibach | FJB9-Kötschach | ||
28 | Prag | 28 | Innsbruck | DR7 | Stanislau | |
29 | Nagybecskerek | 29 | Wien | |||
30 | Lemberg | 30 | Lemberg | UR4 | Wiener Neustadt | FJB18-Trient |
31 | Nagyszeben (Hermannstadt) | 31 | Nagyszeben | HR2 | Brassó | FJB23-Pancsova |
32 | Budapest | 32 | Triest | HR7 | Debreczen | FJB24-Rovigno |
33 | Arad | 33 | Arad | HR5 | Sopron | FJB28-Kevevára |
34 | Kassa (Kaschau) | 34 | Kassa | HR12 | Arad | |
35 | Pilsen | 35 | Pilsen | DR2 | Tarnopol | FJB6-Sillian |
36 | Jungbunzlau | 36 | Bruneck | FJR12-Cavalese | ||
37 | Nagy-Várad (Großwardein | 37 | Wien | HR1 | Wien | |
38 | Kecskemét | 38 | Petrovaradin (Peterwardein) | HR13 | Székesfehérvár (Stuhlweiβenburg) | |
39 | Debreczen | 39 | Argam | HR16 | Marburg | |
40 | Rzeszów | 40 | Rzeszów | FJB4-Braunau am Inn | ||
41 | Czernowitz | 41 | Czernowitz | FJB27-Hall | ||
42 | Theresienstadt | 42 | Theresienstadt | DR1 | Brüx | FJB1-Lienz? |
UR11 | Pardubitz | |||||
43 | Karansebes | 43 | Fehertemplon (Weiβkirchen) | HR4 | Nagyszeben | |
44 | Kaposvár | 44 | Wien | |||
45 | Sanok | 45 | Przemysl | |||
46 | Szeged (Szegedin) | 46 | Szeged | |||
47 | Marburg | 47 | Görz | DR5 | Görz | |
48 | Groβ-Kanizsa | 48 | Sopron (Odenburg) | |||
49 | StPölten | 49 | Brünn | FJB10-Vigo di Fassa | ||
50 | Karlsburg (Gyulafehérvir) | 50 | Karlsburg | |||
51 | Kolozsvár (Klausenburg) | 51 | Maros-Vásárhely | |||
52 | Pécs (Fünfkirchen) | 52 | Brod | |||
53 | Zagreb (Agram) | 53 | Zagreb | FJB31-Mitrowitz | ||
54 | Olmütz | 54 | Olmütz | DR12 | Olmütz | FJB5-Tarvis |
55 | Brzezány | 55 | Lemberg | UR7 | Stockerau | |
56 | Wadowice | 56 | Krakau | |||
57 | Tarnów | 57 | Tarnów | UR2 | Tarnów | |
58 | Stanislau | 58 | Stanislau | UR8 | Czernowitz | FJB30-Steyr |
59 | Salzburg | 59 | Bregenz | |||
60 | Eger (Erlau) | 60 | Eger | HR6 | Klagenfurt | |
61 | Temesvár | 61 | Temesvár | |||
62 | Maros- Vásarhely | 62 | Kolozsvár (Klausenburg) | |||
63 | Besztercze (Bistritz) | 63 | Besztercze | |||
64 | Szászváros (Broos) | 64 | Szászváros | |||
65 | Munkács | 65 | Miskolcz | HR14 | Nyiregyháza | |
HR15 | Gyóngyos | |||||
66 | Ungvár | 66 | Ungvár | |||
67 | Eperjes | 67 | Wien | FJB32-Trembowla | ||
68 | Szolnok | 68 | Semlin (Zemun) | |||
69 | Székesfehérvár (Stuhlweißenburg) | 69 | Pécs (Fünfkirchen) | HR10 | Budapest | |
70 | Petrovaradin (Peterwardein) | 70 | Budapest | |||
71 | Trencsén (Trentschin) | 71 | Trencsén | |||
72 | Pozsony (Presssburg) | 72 | Pozsony | |||
73 | Eger | 73 | Prag | FJB22-Tione | ||
74 | Jicin | 74 | Reichenberg | |||
75 | Neuhaus | 75 | Salzburg | DR10 | Krakau | |
76 | Sopron (Odenburg) | 76 | Esztergom | HR9 | Mitrowitz | |
77 | Sambor | 77 | Przemysl | |||
78 | Osijek (Esseg) | 78 | Osijek | UR12 | Warasdin | |
79 | Otocac | 79 | Fiume | |||
80 | Zloczów | 80 | Lemberg | UR13 | Zloczów | |
81 | Iglau | 81 | Iglau | |||
82 | Székely-Udvárhely | 82 | Wien | |||
83 | Szombathely (Steinamanger) | 83 | Komäron (Komorn) | HR11 | Lancut | |
84 | Wien B | 84 | Krems | DR11 | Brünn | FJB21-Bruck an der Mur |
DR15 | Zólkiew | |||||
85 | Marmaros-Szigeth | 85 | Löcse (Leutschau) | |||
86 | Szabadka (Maria Thereesiopel) | 86 | Szabadka | HR8 | Kecskemét | |
87 | Cilli | 87 | Pola | |||
88 | Beraun | 88 | Budweis | |||
89 | Gródek- Jagiellónski (Gródek) | 89 | Jaroslau | UR3 | Krakau | |
90 | Jaroslau | 90 | Jaroslau | |||
91 | Budweis | 91 | Prag | |||
92 | Komotau | 92 | Theresienstadt | |||
93 | Mährisch-Schönberg | 93 | Krakau | |||
94 | Turnau | 94 | Reichenberg | |||
95 | Czortków | 95 | Lemberg | |||
96 | Karlovac (Karlstadt) | 96 | Temesvár | |||
97 | Triest | 97 | Belovar | FJB20-Cormons | ||
98 | Hohenmauth | 98 | Josefstadt | |||
99 | Znaim | 99 | Wien | |||
100 | Teschen | 100 | Krakau | |||
101 | Békéscsaba | 101 | Nagy-Várád | |||
102 | Beneschau | 102 | Prag | |||
The following three Ergänzungsbezirke provided men for the Tiroler Kaiserjäger | ||||||
103 | Innsbruck | KJR1 | Trient | |||
KJR4 | Trient | |||||
104 | Brixen | KJR2 | Bozen | |||
105 | Trient | KJR3 | Rovereto | |||
The following four Ergänzungsbezirke provided men for the bosnisch-herzegowinische Infanterieregimente | ||||||
106 | Sarajevo | bhl | Wien | bhFJB1-Wien | ||
107 | Banja Luka | bh2 | Graz | |||
108 | Dolufa Tuzla | bh3 | Budapest | |||
109 | Mostar | bh4 | Triest | |||
The final three Ergänzungsbezirke provided men for the kuk Kriegsmarine | ||||||
110 | Triest | |||||
111 | Sebenico | |||||
112 | Fiume |
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a | b | c | d | e | f |
1 | Krakau | I | 46 | Troppau Krakau Neusandez Olmütz Wadowice Tarnów Mährisch-Schönberg Teschen |
No13 Olmütz No15 Troppau No16 Krakau No31 Teschen No32 Neusandez All to 46LID |
2 | Wien | II | 13 | Kremsier Wien A Brünn StPölten Iglau Wien B Znaim | No1 Wien No14 Brünn No24 Wien No25 Kremsier All to 13LID |
3 | Graz | III | 22 | Klagenfurt Laibach Graz Marburg Cilli Triest |
No3 Graz No4 Klagenfurt No5 Triest No26 Marburg No27 Laibach All except No5 to 22LID; No5 to defence of Pola |
4 | Prag | VIII | 21 | Pisek Prag Pilsen Eger Neuhaus Beraun Budweis Beneschau |
No6 Eger |
5 | Leitmeritz | IX | 26 | Königgrätz Caslau Jungbunzlau Theresienstadt Jicin Komotau Turnau Hohenmauth |
No9 Leitmeritz No10 Jungbunzlau No11Jicin No12 Caslau No30 Hohenmauth All to 26LID |
6 | Przemsyl | X | 45 | Stryj Przemysl Rzeszów Sanok Sambor Grodek-Jagiellonski Jaroslau |
No17 Rzeszów No18 Przemysl No33 Stryj No34 Jaroslau All to 45LID |
7 | Lemberg | XI | 43 | Tarnopol Kolomea Lemberg Czernowitz Brzezány Stanislau Zloczów Czortkó |
No19 Lemberg to 30ID No20 Stanislau to 43ID No22 Czernowitz to 43ID No35 Zloczów to 30ID |
8 | Innsbruck | XIV | 44 | Linz Salzburg The following are Landesschützen Ergänzungsbezirke: Innsbruck Brixen Trient |
No2 Linz No21 StPölten No 21 was raised in Serial 2 area but with the Linz LIR2 to 44LID LSchRI to 44LID Lsch RII & LschRIII to 88LSchBrig of Bozen |
9 | Castelnuovo (not co-located with col c) | XVI | -- | Zara Gravosa & Castelnuovo |
No23 Zara to 5GbBrig of 18ID No37 Gravosa to 4GbBrig of 18ID |
kk LUR | Recruiting area | War Role (all kk LUR were DionsKav as noted) |
1 | E Galicia | XI Kps with 11, 30ID, 43LID |
2 | Przemysl & N Böhmen | IX Kps with 10, 29ID, 26LID |
3 | C Galicia | X Kps with 2, 24ID, 45LID |
4 | Krakau & N Mähren | 1 Kps with 5ID, 46LID |
5 | Oö, Nö, Wien, Steirmark, Kärnten, Krain | II Kps with 4, 25ID, 13LID |
6 | S and W Böhmen, Innsbruck, Linz | XIV Kps with 3, 8ID, 44LID |
Note: DionsKav 21LID was DRI4, a Böhmen regiment; DionsKav 22LID was DR5, a S. Steirmark regiment
kk FKD | Recruiting area | War Role (all kk LUR were DionsKav as noted) |
13 | Wien | FABrig13 |
21 | Prag | FABrig21 |
22 | Graz | FABrig22 |
26 | Leitmeritz | FABrig26 |
43 | Lemberg | FABrig43 |
44 | Prag | FABrig44 |
45 | Przemysl | FABrig45 |
46 | Krakau | FABrig46 |
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a | b | c | d | e | f |
1 | I | Budapest | IV | 40 | No 1 Budapest to 20HID No 6 Szabadka to 40HID No 17 Székesfehervár to 20HID No 19 Pécs to 40HID No 29Budapest to 40HID No 30 Budapest to 40HID |
2 | II | Szeged | VII | 23 | No 2 Gyu1a (Békes-Gyula) to 23HID No 3 Debreczen to 20HID No 4 Nagyvárad to 20HID No 5 Szeged to 23HID No 7 Versecz to 23HID No 8 Lugos to 23HID |
3 | III | Kassa | VI | 39 | No 9 Kassa to 39HID No 10 Miskolcz to 39HID No 11 Munkacs to 39HID No 12 Szatmár-Németi to 41HID No 16 Beszterczebanya to 39HID |
4 | IV | Pozsony | V | 37 | No 13 Pozsony to 37HID No 14 Nyitra to 37HID No 15 Trencsén to 37HID No 18 Sopron to 37HID No 20 Nagykanizsa to 41HID No31 Veszprem to 4IHID |
5 | V | Kolozsvár | XII | 38 | No 21 Kolozsvár to 38HID No 22 Mearos-Vásárhely to 38HID No 23 Nagyszeben to 38HID No 24 Brassó to 38HID No 32 Deés (Besztercze) to 41HID |
6 | VI | Zagreb | XIII | 42 | No 25 Zagreb to 42HID No 26 Karlovac to 42HID No 27 Sisak to 42HID No 28 Osijek to 42HID |
a. Each ku Landwehrdistrikt had associated ku Ergänzungsbezirke which matched the associated kuk Ergänzingsbezirke, but did not have the same title. At the time of printing this, there is no known list of these districts and thus they are not listed here.
b. The ku Landwehrkavallerie and Artillerie for the divisions referred to above were also manned from the districts noted against each division.
c. The commander of each ku Landwehrdistrikte was also the commander of the associated ku Landwehr Infanterie Division. In the case of 23, 37, 38, 39, 40 and 42HID this applied. However for 20HID and 41HID, manned from a variety of sources as can be seen above and with headquarters at Nagyvárad and Budapest respectively, the commander was separate from the district organisation and held no other post. The former divisions were known as 'territorial divisions', and the other two as 'extraterritorial divisions'.
d. It must be noted that the commander of a ku Landwehrdistrikt, and its associated HID, was NOT under the command of the linked kuk Militärterritorial(Korps)bezirk. He answered solely to the ku Landwehroberkommando. Once mobilisation was ordered, however, he and his formation was placed under the operational command of whichever formation was ordained in the plan for war.
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a | b | c | d |
1 | Beraun | 38 | VIII |
2 | Bozen | 11 | XIV |
3 | Brünn | 14 | II |
4 | Budweiss | 29 | VIII |
5 | Caslau | 12 | VIII |
6 | Castelnuovo | 37 | XVI |
7 | Czernowitz | 22 | XI |
8 | Eger (Böhmen) | 6 | VIII |
9 | Graz | 3 | III |
10 | Hohenmauth | 30 | IX |
11 | Innsbruck | 1 | XIV |
12 | Jaroslau | 34 | X |
13 | Jicin | 11 | IX |
14 | Dungbunzlau | 10 | IX |
15 | Klagenfurt | 4 | III |
16 | Kolomea | 36 | XI |
17 | Krakau | 16 | I |
18 | Kremsier | 25 | II |
19 | Laibach | 27 | III |
20 | Leitmeritz | 9 | IX |
21 | Lemberg | 19 | XI |
22 | Linz | 2 | XIV |
23 | Marburg | 26 | III |
24 | Neusandec | 32 | I |
25 | Olmütz | 13 | I |
26 | Pilsen | 7 | VIII |
27 | Pisek | 28 | VIII |
28 | Pisino | 5 | III |
29 | Prag | 8 | VIII |
30 | Przemysl | 18 | X |
31 | Rzeszöw | 17 | X |
32 | St Pölten | 21 | II |
33 | Sebenico | 23 | XVI |
34 | Stanislau | 20 | XI |
35 | Stryj | 33 | X |
36 | Teschen | 31 | I |
37 | Troppau | 15 | I |
38 | Wien | 1 & 39 | II |
39 | Zloczow | 35 | XI |
40 | Znaim | 24 | II |
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a | b | c | d |
1 | Agram (Zagreb) | 25 | XIII |
2 | Beszterczebanya | 16 | VI |
3 | Brassö (Kronstadt) | 24 | XII |
4 | Budapest | 1, 29, & 30 | IV |
5 | Debreczen | 3 | VII |
6 | Dés | 32 | XII |
7 | Esseg (Osijek) | 28 | XIII |
8 | Gyula | 2 | VII |
9 | Kassa | 9 | VI |
10 | Karlstadt (Karlovac) | 26 | XIII |
11 | Ko1ozsvár | 21 | XII |
12 | Lugos | 8 | VII |
13 | Maros-Vásárhely | 22 | XII |
14 | Miskolcz | 10 | VI |
15 | Munkacs | 11 | VI |
16 | Nagykanizsa | 20 | V |
17 | Nagyszeben (Hermannstadt) | 23 | XII |
18 | Nagy-Várad (Großwardein) | 4 | VII |
19 | Nyltra | 14 | V |
20 | Pécs | 19 | IV |
21 | Pozsony (Preßburg) | 13 | V |
22 | Sisak | 27 | XIII |
23 | Sopron | 18 | V |
24 | Szabadka | 6 | IV |
25 | Szatmár-Németi | 12 | VI |
26 | Szeged | 5 | VII |
27 | Székesfehérvár | 17 | IV |
28 | Trencsen | 15 | V |
29 | Versecz | 7 | VII |
30 | Veszprém | 31 | V |
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Last updated 25 Feb 2002