Back to introduction |
The purpose of this chapter is to explain the organisation of the field army in some detail. Chapter 6 will show how the various formations etc were moved, how they were composed and where they were at various times during the war. Let it be remembered, however, that formations and units did not remain fixed - in place, organisation or strength. So, what follows is in some degree, generalisation, and must be recognised and used as such.
AOK has already been introduced in the previous chapter. At first it commanded directly all the Army Headquarters deployed in the two theatres of war; northern and southern. But, with ever closer co-operation between the Central Powers in the field, the complexity of operations and the need for forward headquarters to be relieved of planning and detail other than of day-to-day and immediate importance, it became clear that another level of command was necessary between AOK (and its German equivalent - DOHL), and the various Army Headquarters. It must also be remembered that operations were being conducted over distances that often defeated the communications then available to commanders in the field. Radio telegraphy, and speech by that medium, were in their infancy; telegraph by land lines was excellent as long as armies operated in territory where its lines existed; the telephone was limited in the same way; and land transport depended on railways of various gauges, the horse and very few and under-powered motor vehicles - at least in the early days. The air arm was in its very early days and at the mercy of the weather, which itself was a most important and often totally limiting factor. As the troops moved into enemy territory, or were forced to retire, communications became stretched or fractured, and not infrequently their state dictated whether operations could continue or not. Out of this situation was born the Armee Gruppe, Heeres Gruppe and Heeres Front levels of command (AGp, HGp and HFront).
From this point levels of command and references to headquarters, units etc will be referred to, whenever practical, by their German language abbreviations as set out in App. A to Chapter 2.
The first use of an AGp was in Galicia in August 1914. As has been explained in Chapter 1, B-Staffel, which was in effect 2 Armee, had been sent to the Serbian front and thus AGp GdI Kövess was created to command two corps until 2 Armeekmdo and most of its formations arrived on the Russian front in late August. Secondly, by the end of October 1914 the forces in the Bukowina, Southern Carpathians and Siebenburgen were grouped under AGp GdK Pflanzer-Baltin, later in May 1915 to become 7 Armee. It will be seen that these ad hoc groupings bore the name of their commander: and their title changed as and when their commander moved away.
Thus, HGp EH Karl (Erzherzog-Thronfolger Karl), which was formed from 12 Armeekmdo but never used under that name, commanded all the Central Powers forces in Transylvania in July 1916 and became HFront EH Karl in October 1916. Then, upon the death of the Monarch in November 1916, EH Karl left to go to Wien and it became HFront EH Josef.
To further complicate the matter, the term 'Agp' was sometimes used for a level of command within an Army. And the term 'Gruppe' was not infrequently used, coupled with the name of the commander, for a group of formations or units placed under command for an Operation or limited purpose. Although these were normally in being for a short time, this was not always so: for example, Gp FML Szurmay, so named in January 1915, became in time Kps Szurmay and, in May 1917, XXIV Kps.
Suffice it to say that such groupings were more usual on the Russian front. In the mountainous area of the south-west front there were territorial groupings, the front being broken down into Rayons (regions) in the Tirol, and into Abschnitte (sectors) elsewhere, both with a Roman number thus - Rayon 1. Abschnitte were also found on the central Russian front with an area name, thus - Abschnitt Kowel.
Before moving on to consider Armies it is necessary to explain, in general terms, the organisation of the forward areas of a front. At the forward edge, facing the enemy, were units of infantry brigades grouped in divisions. Divisions were under command of corps, which in turn were commanded by armies. The zone from the rear of a corps area to the front line was called the Operationsbereich (combat zone). Within this zone, the back of the corps area was the Trainbereich where the administrative units of the corps were normally to be found: forward of that was the Truppenbereich where the combat units with their immediate administrative echelons existed. From the corps rear boundary to the army rear boundary was the Etappenbereich (communication zone) under command of the ArmeeEtappenkommando. Behind the army rear boundary was the Hinterland, under normal civil government, albeit with army units of all kinds located in, and passing through, it. Within the Armeebereich, that is from the army rear boundary to the forward edge of the Operationsbereich, civil government carried on where possible, although in occupied territory it would be under military control or even superseded by military government. The diagram at Appendix A to this chapter illustrates the above, whilst Appendix B gives details of the technical, aviation and administrative units that were in existence in the army during the war, both in the Hinterland and in the Armeebereich.
Before leaving the Etappenbereich mention must be made of fortresses (Festung), such as Krakau, Przemysl and Jaroslau. These were under AOK and each had its own commander, headquarters and allotted units of all types. When they lay within an Etappenbereich, the relevant army commander was responsible for them but the Festungskommandant remained in command of his fortress and remained so even if, as in the case of Przemysl, the tide of battle washed over and past his charge and he was besieged.
At this point the term 'Train' should be explained. In general terms, the Train is that part of a force in the field that maintains that force. It consists of a headquarters and elements under its control. Thus each combatant unit has a Train, or sometimes more than one, whilst a formation or communication zone has many units and installations of various types that sustain the formation of which it is a part. Every Train included transport, supply, medical and postal elements.
And now to consider Armies. An Armee consisted of a headquarters, two to four Korps and sometimes one or two KD. It bore a number thus - 2 Armee, and was commanded by a GdI, GdK or FZM, with an FML as Chief of Staff and an FML or GM as senior administrative staff officer. Its headquarters operated in two parts. The Operierendes Armeekmdo (op.AK.) executed the overall command and operational functions whilst the Quartiermeisterabteilung des (number) Armeekmdo administered the force according to the commander's orders, and formed the ArmeeEtappenkmdo (EK). Each part of the headquarters was established with staff and arms or service branches according to its function, and was itself administered in the field by a Platzkmdt and his staff, which included a unit Train, a Stabsinfanteriekompagnie and Kavalleriestabszug, together with a Feldpostamt. Thus there were two Feldpostamt for each Armeekmdo. As well as commanding the Korps and KD mentioned above, the Armee had units under its direct command known as Armeeunmittelbare. These would include SKomp, PKomp, perhaps two ArmeeTelegabtlgn and a SpezialTelegabtlg, and various Sanitätsabtlgn as required. In addition there would be artillery units of certain types and Kriegsbruckenequipagen, etc, according to the campaign in hand. The headquarters of an Armee (Armeekmdo) totalled some 1000 men.
Another term must be introduced here. With the Russian front ceasing to be active at the end of 1917, there was no real need for headquarters on the scale used until then. As will be shown in the next chapter, some were disbanded, and the majority of the troops under their command were redeployed to the Italian front. Of course the advance into the Ukraine of February 1918 took some troops and required headquarters to command them, but on the whole the command structure passed from being operational to one designed for internal security and administration. Thus the term 'General Kommando (GenKmdo)' came into use in the Spring of 1918. As an example, 92ID was disbanded in May 1918 and its Kmdt became commander of 16 GenKmdo at Pitésci in Romania, whilst VIII Kps became 1 GenKmdo at Kronstadt. Thus each would have an operational and an administrative staff, and terms such as Quartiermeisterabteilung 16 will be found, meaning the administrative staff of 16 GenKmdo.
A Korps was commanded by an FML, or sometimes by a GdI, GdK or FZM. It was usual to find a force of two ID and one LID or HID under command, with Korpsunmittelbare on much the same lines as described above for Armeeunmittelbare, but in this case the Korpstrain was included in this element. The Korpstrain would consist of the Korpstrainkmdo with artillery Munitionskolonnen, Kriegsbrückenequipagen, Divisionsschanzeugkolonnen, three Feldspitäler, three Korpsmagazine, a Korpsbäckerei, Korpstrainpark, Korpstrainwerkstätte, mobile Pferdedepot, mobile Pferdespital and a Feldpostamt. Kpskmdo included not only the staff and arms and service branches, but also transport, Feldgendarmerie and a Platzkmdt with the Stabsinfanteriekompagnie and a Kavalleriestabszug, Kmdotrainzug and a Feldpostamt. The establishment of a Kpskmdo was some 400 men.
The army mobilised some forty eight Infantry Divisions in July 1914. Initially these were called Infantry Troops Divisions, but the word 'Troops' was dropped shortly after war began. These divisions were numbered 1 to 48, with numbers 13, 21, 22, 26 and 43-46 being Landwehr Infantry Divisions. Numbers 20, 23 and 37-42 were Honvéd Infantry Divisions. The balance were k.u.k Infantry Divisions. It should be remembered at this point, that in May 1917 Kaiser und König Karl decreed that, in recognition of its bravery, the k.k. Landwehr was henceforth to be known as the k.k. Schützen; thus the LID changed their title to SchD and all other k.k. Landwehr formations and units changed accordingly.
These forty eight divisions were grouped, in general terms, in the sixteen Korps as explained in Appendix A to Chapter 3. There too it can be seen that eleven KavallerieDivisions were mobilised, initially as Kavallerie Truppen Divisions. Of these numbers 1 to 4 and 6 to 10 were k.u.k. KD; 5 and 11 were HKD.
A Division was commanded by an FML and had a headquarters some 300 strong. As in the case of Armee and Korps headquarters, the whole was administered by a Platzkmdt with the same scale of support as in a Kpskmdo. The Divisionstrain was commanded by the Kmdt of the Divisionstraineskadron, with under his control a DivMunKol including both artillery and other elements, the DivSanAnst, a VerpflKol with supplies for the division, the Divbäckerei and the DivFeldpostamt.
The organisation of an ID, LID/SchD and HID on the Russian front was not exactly the same as on the mountainous Italian or Balkan fronts. Nevertheless the principles were the same, although a division on mountain scales had little wheeled transport and more pack animals than one on normal scales. In this chapter, an infantry division will be treated as on normal scales and, unless specifically noted otherwise, will be taken as standard, whether ID, LID/SchD or HID. The differences will become apparent as the brigades and units under divisional command are discussed. However, it cannot be stressed enough, that after the first few months of war, changes were introduced to establishments, and to weapon types and scales. It then became unusual to find any formation conforming to the tables of organisation. The details given here must be regarded as indications, correct for August 1914 and not far from the truth thereafter in general terms.
An Infantry Division consisted of the Kmdo, DivTrain organised as shown above, two brigades - either IBrig or GbBrig (and occasionally more than two), two Esk DivKav from a cavalry regiment used for reconnaissance work, an FABrig, a DivTelephAbtlg and perhaps one or two SKomp or PKomp. It might also have attached to it some extra artillery and engineers from the Korpsunmittelbare.
A Cavalry Division consisted of the Kmdo, DivTrain organised as shown above, two KBrig, one or two KavMGAbtlgn, a rtAD - later in the war a KFABrig, and a KavTelegAbtlg.
It is worth noting at this point that certain elements in a Division bore the divisional number as part of their unit title, although it has to be pointed out that at times these did not serve with the division but were attached to another formation. The elements that are referred to were the FABrig, DivTrain, DivMunKol - but not the artillery MunKoln which bore the number of the artillery regiment from which they came, the VerpflKol, SanAnst and the Bäckerei. In a Cavalry Division these elements bore the letter 'K' in front of their unit title; eg. KDivBäckerei, so that there was no chance of them being mixed up with those from the Infantry Division with the same number. Army and Corps Train units also bore the number and title of the formation to which they belonged, providing the word 'Armee' or 'Korps' was part of their unit title.
Brigades of all types were normally commanded by a GM but on occasions could be commanded by an Oberst. The Austro-Hungarian army did not have the rank of brigadier-general.
An IBrig, LIBrig/SchBrig or HIBrig had a Kmdo, two IR, LIR/SchR or HIR respectively, and often one or more FJB as well. A GbBrig had six to nine IBaone or HIBaone trained in mountain operations, drawn from the normal infantry regiments for such training, one or two GbBt from a GbAR, and its own Train. Thus it could operate relatively free from higher formation support.
A KBrig or HKBrig bad a Kmdo, and two cavalry regiments. These were either k.u.k. DR, HR or UR; or, in the HKBrig, were HHR. The k.k. LUR - which became rtSchR in May 1917 - were all employed as divisional cavalry until mid-1917 when a twelfth cavalry division was formed from the k.k. Schutzen and called 12rtSchD. Then certain rtSchR served in its only brigade, 25rtSchBrig. As the war progressed changes took place: see Chapter 5.
A FABrig began the war with one or two field gun regiments and two batteries of the corps howitzer regiment. But this scale was increased as the lesson of artillery support was learnt. Further details are given in Chapter 5 where the organisation of infantry, cavalry and artillery is covered in detail.
However, before going on with that subject, something ought to be said about the numbering of Infantry and Mountain Brigades at the start of the war. Their fortunes thereafter, together with those of all other formations, are dealt with in Chapter 6.
The GbBrig first. These totalled fourteen at mobilisation, numbered 1 to 14. Five of these were in independent roles: 1, 2, 3, 11, 13GbBrig. The remainder were mobilised in four Infantry Divisions on the Balkan front:
1ID | 7, 9GbBrig | 18ID | 4, 5, 6, 8GbBrig |
47ID | 14GbBrigb | 48ID | 10, 12GbBrig |
There were ninety IBrig, LIBrig and HIBrig at mobilisation, with numbers between 1 and 122; the numbers 1, 2 and 6 not being allotted at the start of the war. Certain numbers in this sequence were allotted to k.k. or k.u. LstIBrig as shown in Chapter 6, whilst 88LSchBrig (from May 17, 88KSchBrig) was the only one of its kind in 1914. The allocation of these brigades was generally straightforward, only 13IBrig, and 88LSchBrig mobilising in independent roles. Each infantry division, except those referred to in the previous paragraph, had two infantry brigades, numbered in sequence so that the second bore a number that was double the division's number. For example, 2ID had 3 and 4IBrig. Only seven infantry divisions did not follow this principle. These were:-
3ID | 5, 15IBrig | 7ID | 14IBrig |
8ID | 16, 96, 12lIBrig | 20HID | 39, 81HIBrig |
30ID | 60Ibrig, 85LIBrig | 43LID | 59IBrig, 86LIBrig |
44LID | 87, 122LIBrig |
Chapter 6 gives full details of these, together with the allocations of all types of brigades, and explains the changes that took place as the war progressed.
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The diagram below is not to scale and does not do more than depict a typical Eteppenbereich and the key units and installations that might be found in it. Note that there would be units not listed there in any Etappenbereich. Appendix B to this chapter gives a list of all technical, aviation and administrative units that could be found in the army, and certain of those might have been located in an Etappenbereich as circumstances demanded.
Army boundary Corps boundary Armeekmdo ArmeeEtappenkmdo Korpskmdo Korpstrain | |
State railway with its telegraph line Road Field railway with telephone line State telegraph line Reserve telegraph line Field telegraph line |
The large diagram shows eight Etappenstation, lettered A to H. These have functions as follows:
Etappenstation are placed at a day's travel distance from each other, which was 30km where march route was used. The Etappenbereich agencies located at each of the above Etappenstation are shown below, but it must be recognized that only the main ones are shown here.
A | Etappenstationskmdo | Station HQ |
Bahnhofkmdo | Railway station HQ | |
Feldtransportleitung | Field transport command | |
Stabile Krankenhaltstation ohne Nachtr | Static medical post without beds for casualties for night stop | |
Telegraphenstation | Telegraph office | |
B | Etappenstationskmdo | Station HQ |
Schiffstationskmdo | River craft port office | |
stabile Krankenhaltstation mit Nachtr | Static medical post with beds for casualties for night stop | |
Telegraphenstation | telegraph office | |
C | Etappenstationskmdo | station HQ |
Schiffstationskmdo | river craft port office | |
improv Krankenhaltstation mit Nachtr. | improvised medical post with beds for casualties for night stop | |
Etappenverpflegsmagazin | communication zone supply depot (rations) | |
Telegraphenstation | telegraph office | |
D | ArmeeEtappenkmdo | army communication zone HQ |
Etappenstationskmdo | station HQ | |
Bahnhofkmdo | railway station HQ | |
improv Krankenhaltstation mit Nachtr | improvised medical Post with beds for casualties for night stop | |
Etappenverpflegsmagazin | communication zone supply depot (rations) | |
Telegraphenstation | telegraph office | |
E | Telegraphenstation | telegraph office |
F | Etappenstationskmdo | station HQ |
improv Krankenhaltstation ohne Nachtr | improvised medical post without beds for casualties for night stop | |
Etappenverpflegsmagazin | communication zone supply depot (rations) | |
Telephonstation | telephone office | |
G | Etappenstationskmdo | station HQ |
mobile Krankenhaltstation | mobile medical post | |
Telegraphenstation | telegraph office | |
H | Etappenstationskmdo | station HQ |
improv Krankenhaltstation mit Nachtr | improvised medical post with beds for casualties for night stop | |
Telegraphenstation | telegraph office |
Back to top |
The following list shows the technical, aviation and administrative units of the Austro-Hungarian army at three points during the war: Aug 14; the beginning of May 16; and in Jun 18. Titles are given in German in full, the British equivalent being noted where this is necessary. Where possible the number of units of each kind is shown. These numbers do not indicate the title of individual units: for example. in Aug 14 there were 44 Infanteriedivisionssanitatsanstalten, that is the medical branch and medical posts of an infantry division. There were in fact 49 such divisions at the time but certain were organized in such a way that they did not have these units. So, the figure 44 must not be taken to mean 1 to 44ID! Further detail on these matters will be found in Chapter 4 and other appendices to it.
The columns that follow are:
Principal divisions of the table:
a | b | c | d | e |
A: TECHNISCHE TRUPPEN UND ANSTALTEN | Technical troops and institutions (installations) | |||
a. Sappeure | 14 | 14 | 60 | |
Sappeurbataillone | Aug 14 with 79 Komp, May 16 with 100 Komp, Jun 18 with 182 Komp: see Chap 7 | |||
Sappeurspezialbataillon mit 3 Komp | 1 | with 3 Komp | ||
Sappeurbataillon Nr61 (Flammenwerfer) | 1 | with 4 Komp | ||
Sappeurbataillon Nr62 (Gasspezial) | 1 | with 6 Komp | ||
Landsturmsappeurabtlgn. | 29 | |||
kk Landsturmsappeurabtlgn. | 12 | |||
ku Landsturmsappeurabtlgn. | 3 | |||
Korpsschanzzeugkolonnen | 16 | field work material parks and depots | ||
Divisionsschanzzeugkolonnen | 48 | 64 | ||
improvisierte Brigadeschanzzeugkol | 18 | |||
mobile Shanzzeugdepots | 4 | |||
Belagerungeeappeurparks | 5 | siege material engineer parks | ||
ku Landsturmmineurabtlg | 1 | field miners | ||
ku Landsturmbergwerkskompagnie | 1 | miners, professional | ||
mobile Hochspannungshindernisanlage | 5 | mobile high voltage line teams | ||
Luftminenwerferzuge | 37 | air propelled bomb thrower platoons (trench mortars) | ||
Minenwerferzuge | 51 | bomb thrower platoons | ||
Granatwerferzüge | 129 | grenade thrower platoons (trench mortars) | ||
Flammenwerferzüge | 12 | flame thrower platoons | ||
Elektropumpunzüge | 4 | |||
Pumpenzüge | 24 | |||
Luftverdichtungsanlagen | 4 | compressed air plants | ||
Luftakkumulatorenzuge | 4 | compressed air stores | ||
Elektrozugsgruppen | 43 | many | electric platoon groups | |
Elektrobataillone | 12 | generator battalions for electricity plus one indep Komp | ||
Gesteinsbohrzüge | 510 | rock drilling platoons | ||
Ventilatorenzuge | 21 | ventilating platoons | ||
In Jun 18 the following: | ||||
Sappeurfeld-, Sprengmittel-, Zeugsdepots | engineer field and explosive depots | |||
Brückenfelddepots, Gasschutzmitteldepots | field bridging and gas defence material depots | |||
Werkstätten, Elektrizitätswerke, Elektrobetriebszüge | engineer workshops, generating works, electric service platoons | |||
Geniedirektionen und Befestigungsgruppen | engineer HQ and fortification groups | |||
b: Pioniere | ||||
Pionierbataillone mit 43 Komp | 9 | 48 | There were no pioneers by 1918 so entries in Col d are engineers: see Chap 7 | |
Pionierkompagnien | 1 | 2 | 2 | |
Brückenbataillone | 8 | |||
Brückenpartien | 4 | 5 | ||
mobile Pionierzeugsdepots | 3 | 4 | 4 | |
Flußminenzüge | 122 | 124 | 135 | river mining platoons |
Kriegsbrückenequipagen | 5 | field bridging equipages | ||
Kavalleriebrückentrains | 4 | cavalry bridging trains | ||
Schnellstegstaffel | assault bridge troops | |||
c: Telegraphentruppe | ||||
Armeetelegraphenabtlgn. | 11 | 16 | ||
Spezialtelegraphenabtlgn. | 5 | 6 | ||
Reservetelegraphenbauabtlgn. | 64 | 83 | ||
Reservetelegraphenbetriebsabtlgn. | 60 | 54 | Col c - Morse | |
ditto | 20 | Col c - Hughes (secure) | ||
Feldtelegraphenabtlgn. | 37 | |||
Korpstelegraphenabtlgn. | 16 | 23 | ||
Korpstelephonabtlgn. | 16 | 25 | ||
Divisionstelefonabtlgn. | 47 | 81 | ||
Gebirgstelegraphenabtlgn. | 3 | 3 | ||
Gebirgstelephonabtlgn. | 33 | 16 | ||
Kavallerietelegraphenabtlgn. | 11 | 12 | ||
Telegraphenfelddepots | 5 | |||
Kavalleriefernsignalpatrouillen | 32 | with signal lamps | ||
Radiostationen | 11 | |||
Feldradiostationen | 30 | |||
Handradiostationen | 34 | |||
Radiogruppen | 13 | |||
selbständige Radiostationen | 33 | independent radio stations | ||
Radiotelegraphenkompagnien | 12 | |||
Telegraphenkompagnien | 82 | with nos between: 1-160 - div and brig HQ 161-200 - defensive localities 201-300 - Kpskmdos from 301 deployed by Armeen | ||
Telegraphenbaukompagnien | 29 | telegraph construction | ||
Telegraphenzeugskompagnien | telegraph stores | |||
In Jun 18 the following: | ||||
Telegraphenbau- und Betriebsleitungen | telegraph constr. and operating HQ | |||
Werkstätten | workshops | |||
Etappenpost- und Telegraphendirektionen | communications zone post and telegraph HQ | |||
d: Eisenbahntruppe | ||||
E isenbahnkompegnien | 28 | 39 | 39 | |
Feldbahnkompognien | 28 | |||
Betriebskompagnien | 9 | |||
Lokomotivfeldbahnen | 1 | 1 | 1 | Col d with 3 Betriebssekt. |
Lokomotivfeldbahnbauabtlgn. | 8 | |||
Pferdefeldbahn | 5 | 4 | 1 | horse drawn field railway |
Festungsfeldbahn | 3 | 1 | fortress field railway; Col c 5 Fsfeldbahnbetriebssektionen | |
Motorfeldbahnen/Kraftwagenbahnen | 2 | 7 | ie 15 Betriebssektionen | |
Benzinelektrobahnen | 2 | |||
Panzerzüge | 11 | 5 | armoured trains | |
Seilbahnkommandos | 9 | cable railway HQ | ||
Seilbahnbaukompagnien | 1 | 6 | ||
Seilbahndetachements | 5 | |||
Seilbahnbetriebekompagnien | 37 | |||
Heeresbahnkommandos | 3 | Army railway HQ | ||
Betriebsbataillone | 8 | |||
Betriebskompagnien der Heeresbahn | 12 | Army railway operating coys | ||
Bau- und Betriebskompagnie für Elektrobahnen | 1 | |||
militär Bahnkommandos | 7 | |||
Betriebsdetachements | 7 | |||
Feldbahnkommandos | 3 | |||
Rollbahnkommandos | 3 | man and gravity-powered railways | ||
Rollbahnbetriebsleitungen | 3 | |||
Waldbahnbetriebsleitungen | 3 | forest railways | ||
Militär-Eisenbahndirektion | 2 | |||
Bahnbauleitungen | 10 | |||
Eisenbahnzeugs- und Materialdepots | 10 | |||
mobile Eisenbahnzeugsdepots | 3 | 3 | ||
Seilbahnzeugsdepots | 5 | |||
fahrbare Eisenbahnwerkstätten | 3 | travelling workshops | ||
In Jun 18 the following: | ||||
Brückendetachements, Brückenbau- und Hebedetachemente | lifting detachments | |||
Unterwasserschneidedetachement | under water cutting | |||
Bahnerhaltungsdetachement | station maintenance | |||
Eisenbahnhilfskompagnie | rescue | |||
Trasierungedetachement | survey | |||
Feldbahntelephonbaukompagnie | ||||
Eisenbahnwerstätten-Arbeiterkompagnie | workshops staff company | |||
Einrichtungen für die Binnenschiffahrt Schiffahrtsleitungen | provided for inland water services- | |||
Flußschiffahrtskompagnien | river boat companies | |||
Schiffshebe- und bergekommandos Donau-, Bodensee-, Weichsel-, Bug-, Dniesterflottillen | lifting and salvage teams with these flotillas | |||
B - LUFTFAHRTRUPPE | Aviation troops (of the army) | |||
Fliegerkompagnien | 15 | 25 | ||
Festunsballonabtlgn | 12 | |||
Feldballonabtlgn. | 15 | |||
Lenkballonkompagnie | 1 | steerable balloon (?) | ||
There are no details for Jun 18 and these given here must be regarded as outline only | ||||
C: AUTOTRUPPE/ KRAFTFAHRTRUPPE | Mechanical transport units | |||
Autotrain | ||||
Autotrainkolonnen | 58 | motor vehicle columns | ||
Autokolonnen | 209 | |||
Kraftwagenkolonnen | 191 | |||
Autogruppenkommandos | 32 | MT Group HQ | ||
Panzerautozug | 1 | armoured car troop | ||
Tankkolonne | 1 | tanker column | ||
Santätskraft/autokolonnen | 26 | 37 | ambulance columns | |
Postkraftwagen-, Postauto—kolonnen | 10 | 11 | ||
Türkeiautokolonnen | 9 | with forces in Turkey | ||
Probe-Einheitsautokolonne | 1 | Trials unit for standardised vehicles | ||
In Jun 18 the following: | ||||
Autoersats- und Materialdepots | MT spares and material | |||
Benzindepots und -fassungsstellen | petrol storage depots and supply points | |||
Autofeldparks und Autowerkstätten | MI depots and workshops | |||
D: TRAINTRUPPE | See page 4-2 for an explanation of the term Train | |||
Korpstrainkommandos | 14 | 27 | 24 | |
Korpatraingruppenkommandos | 56 | 70 | ||
Traingruppenkommandos | 104 | |||
Divisionstrainkommandos | 48 | 61 | 65 | |
Kavalleriedivisionstrainkommandos | 11 | 12 | ||
Brigadetrainkommandos | 28 | 23 | 9 | |
Gebirgsbrigadetrainkommandos | 13 | 15 | ||
Etappentrainkommandos | 6 | 14 | 14 | see above Traingruppenkmdos |
Etappentraingruppenkommandos | 38 | |||
Staffel (davon 147 Tragtierstaffel) | 755 | literally echelons, ie transport echelons other than MT and incl 147 pack animal echelons | ||
Ochenstaffel | 40 | oxen transport echelons | ||
Zughundegruppen (zu 2 bis 6 Zügen) | 70 | dog team groups with from 2 to 6 platoons | ||
Armeetrainfelddepots | 15 | 59 | ||
Korpstrainparks | 16 | May 16 - 70 SektionenKps Trainparks | ||
Korpstrainwerkstätten | 16 | 129 | ||
Gebirgstrainwerkstätten | 15 | 46 | ||
Etappenwerkatätten | 15 | |||
mobile Pferdedepots | 16 | 89 | mobile remount depots | |
Etappenpferdedepots | 11 | |||
mobile Pferdespitäler | 16 | 98 | mobile veterinary hospitals | |
Etappenpferdespitäler | 25 | |||
In Jun 18 the following: | ||||
Trainersatz-, -zeugs-, und -felddepots | ||||
Etappen- und Gebirgstrainwerkstät | ||||
Stuten- und Fohlenhöfe | Stud and foal farms | |||
Pferdespitäler | ||||
E: FELDVERPFLEGS-ANSTALTEN | Literally field ration agencies. In fact covering all forms of supply other than ammunition and explosives | |||
Verpflegsstaffeln | 762 | 432 | supply staff agencies | |
Gebirgsverpflegsstaffeln | 42 | 39 | ||
improvisierte Staffeln | 30 | |||
Divisionswirtschaftsämter | 64 | administrative staffs | ||
Kavalleriewirtschaftsämter | 12 | |||
Brigadewirtschaftsämter | 8 | |||
Gebirgswirtschaftsämter | 18 | |||
Trainkarrenstaffeln | 110 | horse cart transport echelons | ||
Etappentrainzüge | 84 | 227 | platoons of manpower | |
Korpsbäckereien | 16 | 22 | 24 | field bakeries of varying types/capacities |
Divisionsbäckereien | 48 | 65 | 67 | |
Reservebäckereien | 16 | |||
Kavalleriebäckereien | 8 | 12 | ||
Brigadebäckereien | 8 | 3 | ||
Gebirgsbäckereien | 7 | 75 | 64 | |
In Jun 18 the following: | ||||
Reserve- und Etappenbäckereien | ||||
Verpflegs- und Getreidemagazine | supply and grain stores | |||
Verpflegsfassungsstellen | supply points | |||
Mühlen | mills | |||
Schlachtviehdepots und Schlächterein | slaughter houses and butcheries | |||
Molkerein | dairies | |||
Fabriken und Einrichtungen für de Erzeugung vön Eis, Konserven, Teigwaren, Sodawasser, Futtermittel, Holzmehl, dann für die Verwertung von Obst, Kartoffel, Kraut, Gemüse | Factories and installations for the production of ice, tinned foods, pasta, sodawater, animal feed stuffs, flour, and for growing of fruit, potatoes, cabbages and vegetables | |||
Stroh- und Heuaufbewahrungs-einrichtungen und -depots | straw and haymaking agencies and depots | |||
Soldatenheime | soldiers clubs/recreation centres | |||
Verköstigungsstationen | messing stations | |||
Magazine, Depots und Herstellung einrichtungen für Bekleidung und Ausrüsung | stores, depots and manufacture of clothing and equipment | |||
Felddampfwäshereien | field steam laundries | |||
Verschiedene Anstalten und Einrichtungen für Rohstoffaufbringung und -verwertung | various agencies and providers for the provision of raw materials and their utilization | |||
Mannigfache industrielle und landwirtschaftliche Betriebe | rnany industrial and farming services | |||
F: SANITÄTSANSTALTEN | Medical units etc | |||
Infanteriedivisionssanitätsanstalten | 44 | 65 | 61 | by Jun 18 these units had become Kolonnen. They were the medical staff and aid posts of the formation noted |
Kavalleriedivisionssanitätsanstalten | 11 | 11 | 12 | |
Infanteriebrigadesanitätsanstalten | 27 | 30 | 18 | |
Gebirgsbrigadesanitätsanstalten | 14 | 39 | 40 | |
Divisioneblessiertenwagenstaffeln | 4 | 20 | ambulance transport units of various types, horse drawn | |
Divisionskrankenwegenstaffel | 11 | |||
Krankenkarrenstaffel | 4 | |||
Feldspitäler | 132 | 155 | 261 | medical holding units in corps areas (200 beds) |
mobile Reservespitäler | 42 | 96 | medical holding units for badly wounded in corps and army areas (200 beds) | |
Feldmarodenhäuser | 14 | 49 | medical holdinq units for lightly wounded/sick and for convalescent men (500 beds) in corps areas | |
Reservesanitätabtlgn. | 182 | 27 | small medical units in reserve | |
mobile Epidemiespitäler | 14 | isolation hospitals | ||
freiwillige Sanitätsabtlgn, vom Roten Kreuz | 18 | Red Cross voluntary aid dets | ||
Feldspitäler vom Roten Kreuz | 3 | 4 | Red Cross field hospitals | |
Feldspitäler des Deutschen Ritterordens | 4 | 4 | Field hospitals of the Order of Teutonic Knights | |
mobile Epidemielaboratorien | 13 | |||
Sanitätsfelddepots | 5 | 14 | field medical stores depots | |
mobile Labetrains | 25 | mobile rescuscitation (?) units | ||
Spitalzüge | 33 | 38 | hospital trains | |
permanente Krankenzüge | 14 | 43 | permanent hospital trains | |
Staatsbahnkrankenzüge | 12 | state railway ambulance trains | ||
Schlafewagenkrankenzüge | 4 | converted sleepers now hospital train | ||
Infektionskrankenzüge | 22 | trains for infectious cases | ||
Spitalzüge des Malteser Ritterordens | 6 | 7 | hospital trains operated by the Knights of Malta | |
Badezüge | 6 | bath trains | ||
mobile Krankenhaltstationen | 33 | mobile medical aid posts on lines of comm. | ||
Feld- und Hilfslabestatione | 38 | field and first aid rescuscitation posts | ||
Felddepots vom Roten Kreuz | 5 | 9 | Red Cross depots in the field | |
Felddampfwäscherein | 28 | field steam laundries | ||
In Jun 18 the following: | ||||
Reserve-, Festungs- und sonstige Spitäler im Armee und Etappen bereich | reserve, fortress and other hospitals in the army and communication zone | |||
Epidemiespitäler, darunter solche von gemeinnützigen Gesellschaften | Isolation hospitals including those run by charitable organizations | |||
Sanitätsfeld-Materialdepots und Fassungsstellen | medical stores and supply points | |||
Chirurgengruppen | surgical teams | |||
zahnärztliche Feldambulatorien | dental outpatient teams | |||
verschiedene Spezialambulatorien | various special outpatient | |||
Epidemielaboratorien | ||||
Bakteriologische und chemische Feldlaboratorien | ||||
Wasserstationen, Quarantänestation | ||||
Nahrungsmitteluntersuchungsstelle | food investigation teams | |||
Kriegsprosekturen | artificial limb teams (?) | |||
Bade- und Desinfektions-(Entlausungs) Anstalten | bath and delousing points | |||
Desinfektions- und Entseuchungskolonnen | disinfecting and decontamination columns | |||
Wäschereianstalten | laundry units | |||
Feld- Hilfs- und Labestationen | field, first aid and recovery stations | |||
mobile Krankenhaltstationen | mobile medical aid posts | |||
Krankenzüge | ambulance trains | |||
Rekonvaleszentenheime | convalescent homes | |||
Kriegsinvalidenschule | rehabilitation schools for disabled | |||
G: SONSTIGE ETAPPENEINRICHTUNGEN UND FORMATIONEN | Other communication zone units and formations | |||
kk Landsturm Territorialbataiillone | 130 | 192 | 133 | later were Etappenbataillone |
ku Landsturm Etappenbataillone | 97 | |||
Südtiroler Standchützenkompagnie | 7 | |||
Landsturm Wachbataillone | 69 | guard battalions | ||
Landsturm Nachkompagnien | 10 | |||
Landsturm Kriegsgefangenenbegleitkompagnien | 8 | prisoner of war escort coys | ||
Landsturmeisenbahnsicherungsabtlgn | 59 | 45 | Aug 14: 83,000 men on this duty of railway security | |
Landsturm Brückenschutzkomp. | 22 | bridge guard companies | ||
Baukompagnien | 248 | construction companies | ||
Militärarbeiterabtlgn. | 267 | 252 | military labour sections | |
Landsturmarbeiterabtlgn. | 213 | |||
Landsturm Lastrrägerabtlgn. | 26 | load carrying sections, ie porters | ||
Landsturm Wegbauarbeiterabtlgn. | 176 | road making coys | ||
Landsturm Befestigungsarbeiterabtlgn. | 111 | 33 | defence works labour | |
russ-poln Zivilarbeiterabtlgn. | 87 | Russian-Polish civilian labour sections | ||
Kriegsgefangeneneisenbahnarbeiterabtlgn. | 62 | prisoner of war railway labour sections | ||
Kriegsgefangenenlastträgerabtlgn. | 26 | prisoner of war porter sections | ||
Kriegsgefangenenarbeiterabtlgn. | >300 | prisoner of war labour sections | ||
Inspizierende Kommandos der Marschformationen | 8 | inspectorates of reinforcements | ||
Korpsausbildungsgruppen | 21 | corps training groups | ||
Divisionsausbildungsgruppen | 75 | divisional training groups | ||
Brigadeausbildungsgruppen | 5 | brigade training groups | ||
Ausbildungsgruppen auf dem Balkankriegsschauplatz | 10 | training groups on the Balkan front | ||
In Jun 18 the following: | ||||
Personalsammelstellen | personnel collecting points | |||
Kreis- und Etappenkommandos | district (civil) and communication zone HQ | |||
Baukompagnien | construction companies | |||
Trägerkompagnien | porter cornpanies | |||
Militär Professionisten-, Bergarbeiter-, Landsturmarbeiter-, Zivilarbeiterkomp. | military professional (?) miners, Landsturm labour and civilian labour coys | |||
Kriegsgefangenenarbeiterkompagien | prisoner of war labour coys. |
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Last updated 25 Feb 2002