1911 Addressee had moved – use of Vormerkzettel

Front with Vormerkzettell
Messenger: attached the slip "Ch?? ausgeganen _____? neulich (signature)".
(Ch?? (addressee’s name) gone away ___? recently (signature) ).
Telegrafen-Centrale added another slip with a "127" instradierungs-chiffre and the correct address.

Front with Vormerkzettell folded back

From:101 - WestbahnhofMarch 11 1911 at 8:00 pm
Transit:127 – Rudolfsheim Returned to Telegrafen-Centrale 8:10 pm
Directory:W – Telegrafen-Centrale Returned to 127 with addressno mark
Arrival127 – Rudolfsheim March 12 1911 at 8:10 am