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This chapter discusses the evidence that the War Ministry building (the Kriegsministerium) on the Ringstrasse had pneumatic post facilities at the time of the First World War, using the office number WIEN 25. Incoming and outgoing items of ordinary and pneumatic mail will be described, and then the documentary evidence will be reviewed.

The Kriegsministerium

As the 1900s began, the Commanders of the Austro-Hungarian Army decided that they wanted a war, and they wanted a brand new Headquarters to run it from. In 1909, construction of a new Kriegsministerium (ie Imperial War Ministry) began on Stubenring to replace the old building on the corner of Am Hof; it was opened in 1913. The map in the 1911 English Baedeker (which was probably drawn for the German edition of 1908) shows the new building as an outline, marked "im Bau". Nowadays the large building is well-known as the "Regierungsgebäude", where various government ministries are based. A gigantic double-headed Imperial Austrian eagle, allegedly redesigned by Franz Ferdinand, still broods over the main entrance although its crown has been removed.


Wien 25 functioned not only as a post office but also as a pneumatic station, restricted to authorised users of the Kriegsministerium, from 26 Nov 1913 to 8 April 1922. It was served by a pneumatic pipe from the Fleischmarkt office.

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