The Austrian Philatelic Society's Bookshop

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The Story of the Austrian Post up to 1850 is an important new work which describes the development of the post in the Austrian Empire up to the introduction of postage stamps. It is the most comprehensive book on the subject to date, and includes for the first time many of the original postal decrees translated into English. The book has been created to mark the tercentenary of the 1722 Postal Decree by which Emperor Karl VI took back control of the postal system from the Paar and Thurn & Taxis families.

It is 380 pages long, written in the English language, in full colour throughout and in a hard cover. It is published by the Austrian Philatelic Society (U.K.). The authors are Andy Taylor FRPSL, current President of the Austrian Philatelic Society; Roger Morrell, former Chairman of the Hungarian Philatelic Society; and Keith Brandon, former President of the Austrian Philatelic Society.

The book was awarded a Gold Medal at the London2022 International Exhibition. See here for details, price, etc.


CD: Vienna's Pneumatic Post System (the Rohrpost) operated between 1st March 1875 and 1956. This CD is a substantial update of the on-paper first edition, now superseded and also out-of-print. It includes descriptions of the system, numerous examples, copies of all available maps, illustrations of the apparatus, lists of the offices, copies of the decrees and regulations - indeed everything that resulted from ten years of research! The authors, Andy Taylor and Colin Tobitt, have been assisted by contributions from colleagues in Austria, Germany, Canada and USA. The 'book' is in full colour, with almost 1000 illustrations, and is presented as a web site on a CD. It is ISBN 978-0-900118-10-14. The table of contents is here. The CD costs £10 (or 15 Euro) including postage to anywhere in the world.

CD: Index of Austro-Hungarian Post and Telegraph Offices in 1910. On CD. See here for details. The CD costs £10 (or 15 Euro) including postage to anywhere in the world.

CD: Dr Stephan Koczynski’s definitive history of Austrian Revenue Stamps [Die Geschichte der Stempelmarken in Oesterreich] has long been out of print and is almost impossible to obtain. Now, the Austrian Philatelic Society has enhanced the original and published it on CD in fully-text-searchable form. See here for details. The CD costs £10 (or 15 Euro) including postage to anywhere in the world.

Back numbers of the APS's Journal "Austria" are available to non-members at £5 per copy plus P&P. Some older issues may be facsimiles or second-hand originals. [It may be better value to join the Society, since the price-to-members is £1!] Contact the Editor for details.

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