Pneumatic Post stationery listings:
Official Envelopes and the Letter Sheet.

'Click the Pic' to open a new window with a larger version of the picture; you may need to use the slidy-bars to see all of it; close it when done-with. The Abbreviations used in the table are listed after it.

Listings introduction Official Letter Cards Official Postcards


Faltbriefbogen - letter sheets
1873 telegraph-stamp imprint20 kreuzer blue, printed "PNEUMATISCHER BRIEF / an"; validity 1 March 1875 to 31 October 1884
Briefkuverts - envelopes
1873 telegraph-stamp imprint20 kreuzer blue, printed "PNEUMATISCHER BRIEF an"; validity 1 March 1875 to 31 October 1884
20 kreuzer blue. Printed "BRIEF zur pneumatischen Expressbeförderung" and other changes in text; validity 1 July 1880 to 31 October 1884
1883 postage stamp imprint20 kreuzer grey; validity September 1883 to 1887
15 kreuzer grey; validity 1887 to 30 June 1891
1890 postage stamp imprint15 kreuzer rotlila; validity 1 September 1890 to 30 September 1900
1900 postage stamp imprint30 heller rotlila, 1900-19??
45 heller orange-brown, 1907-19??
"Old F.J." Jubilee imprint of 190845 heller olive-brown, 1908-19??


1875 111120KrBTelWBkLetter Sheet, 238x300mm
1875 2a2a2a2(1)20KrBTelWBk122x75mm. Rounded flap without inscription
1875 2b2b2b2(2)20KrBTelWBk122x75mm. Straight flap without inscription
1881 3a3a3a3a(1)20KrBTelWBk142x86mm (all following envelopes are this size). Pointed flap with PO list 'Aufgabe-Aemter ... Schönbrunnerstrasse 22'
1881 3b3a3b3a(2)20KrBTelWBkRounded flap with PO list; 'Schönbrunnerstrasse 22'
1881 43b43b20KrBTelWBkStraight flap. POs listed on flap - 'Schönbrunnerstrasse 42'
1882 545420KrBTelWBkFlap: 'Ämter für den pneumatische Dienst in Wien'
1883 656520KrGEAWBkFlap: 'Amter für den…'
1887 767615KrGEAWBkNo information on flap.
1888 878715KrGEAPBkInfo on flap.
1890 989815KrREFLPBkInfo on flap. Lower flap beneath side flaps.
1892 109a10915KrREFLPBkInfo on front. Lower flap beneath side flaps.
1892's Official Reprints
1892----3b4ND3bN20KrBTelWBkOfficial Reprint of Sch 3b (1881): has dot after Nr which original doesn't.
1882----45ND4N20KrBTelWBkOfficial Reprint of Sch 4 (1882): on back, Löwengasse is in full (original has 'Löweng.')
1892----67ND6N15KrGEAWBkOfficial Reprint of Sch 6 (1887): after 'No' are 17 dots (original has 13)
11a9b111I10a15KrREFLPBkAsh 11a: 10 or 11 dots after 'No'; lower flap over side flaps
11b9b211II10b15KrREFLPBkAsh 11b: 17 dots; lower flap over side flaps
1899 1210121115KrREFLPBkInscription in German & Czech - for Prague
1900 1311a131230HREFLPBkFor Vienna. Lower flap beneath side flaps
1900 1412a141330HREFLPBkFor Prague. Lower flap beneath side flaps
1902 1511b151430HREFLPBkFor Vienna. Lower flap over side flaps
1902 ---11b161530HREFLPBkFor Prague. Lower flap over side flaps
1904 1613171630HREFLPRAbsender at top left: for Vienna.
1904 1714181730HREFLPRAbsender at top left: for Prague.
1907 1815191845HOEFLP---No printed matter; for Vienna and Prague
1908 1916201945HBrJubP---Ornamental border in brown

Note! Early editions of the Higgins and Gage list introduced confusion by printing for 1900 'side flaps over bottom flap' and for 1902 'bottom flap under side flaps' (surely the same!). For the Prague/Wien issue it has two listings for 1900 with both types of flap 'over' and 'under'. We have seen examples of all 4 types used from 1900 to 1904; Prague is rather rare.

Abbreviations used in tables:

"Ash" is the 1928 Ascher catalogue (APS Library 1B) which as far as pneumatic items goes is identical to the 1977 supplement (APS Lib 55). See from page 871.

"Fer" is the 2008 edition of the Ferchenbauer catalogue.

"Mi" is the Michel Ganzsachen-Katalog Europa West 2015. Prefixing the number are the letters RU for Rohrpost-Umschlage; RK for Rohrpost-Kartenbriefe; or RP for Rohrpost-Postkarten. The order of the Michel catalogue is that of the imprinted stamp design!

"Sch" is the Schneiderbauer catalogue, second edition, with the 1988 supplement incorporated (there are very few changes from the 1st edition). A table appended to this gives equivalences for obsolete issues of Ferchenbauer (1981) and the Michel Ganzsachen-Europa (1978) catalogues.

"Col" is the colour of the imprint: B=Blue; Bk=Black; Br=Brown; G=Grey; Gn=Green; GB=Green-Blue; O=Orange; P=Pink; W=White; Y=Yellow; R=Red. Combinations such as GB or GGn indicate intermediate colours and could equally well have been written BG or GnG respectively.

"Des" is the imprinted stamp designs: Tel=1873 Telegraph; EA=Eagle Arms; EFL=Emperor facing left; Jub=Emperor's 1908 Jubilee; Als=Arms (large shield); Ass=Arms (small shield); Asq=Arms (square format); EFR=Emperor facing right

"Ins Col" is the colour of the inscription (same abbreviations as for the imprint).

"Perf": 'C' is Comb; 'L' is line

Note 1: all printings with supplementary imprints & private printings have been ignored! See Schneiderbauer for their details.

Listings introduction Official Letter Cards Official Postcards