Triple cancellations.

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Some items can be found with three (or more!) cancellations. There are various plausible explanations for this; some are listed below. What they are not is a "transfer cancel" for an item passed between "circuits" of the network – most items must have been thus transferred, but triple cancellation is an exception. Larger images and some maps are provided as separate windows; click the small image to open; close when done with.

Items sent by pneumatic mail to a railway station for onward transmission (eg to Graz) often have multiple cancels. See the section on Pneumatic Railway-Station Correspondence for examples.

Sent from office 60 (Zieglergasse) at 16:20, arriving at office 66 (Porzellangasse) at 17:10. They must have decided that office 110 (Währing) were better placed to deliver it, so sent it on to 110, where it arrived at 17:30.
This item was sent at 08:50 from Wien 9/1 68 (Franz Josef Bahnhof) to Wien 3/1 40 (Landstrasse) where it arrived at 09:10. They sent it on to Wien 3/4 41 (Aspangbahnhof) where it arrived at 09:40. Unusually, the despatch cancel is in violet-red; the item has the normal three vertical creases.
Schraffenstempel 3/3 Wien 49 10-11V dated 12 Oct 1900. Pneumatic cancel Wien 49 at 10:50. Intended for Wien 13 (at Bräunerstrasse 4-6 in 1900) but misrouted or mishandled, arriving at Centrale (CR) at 11:20. They applied two cancels and sent it to Wien 13, arriving at 11:30.
Wien 34 at 07:30 to Zentrale to Wien 105 at 08:20 to Wien 110 at 09:10, all on 5 Aug 1908.
This started its travels at office 56, Wien 6/1 [Mariahilf, at Gumpendorferstrasse 63], between 9 & 10 am on 10 Oct 1894. This was not a pneumatic office, so they applied a cancel and sent it (presumably by messenger) to office 50, Wien 4/1 [Wieden, Neumanngasse 3] which was. It received a standard pneumatic cancel timed 10:20 and was forwarded to office 40, Wien 3/1 [Landstrasse, Hauptstrasse 65], arriving at 11am.
On 12 August 1891 the item was found in a yellow letter box at 1:45pm, as handwritten on the top. It was taken to Weissgarber Post Office, which accepted letters and telegrams but had no pneumatic facilities. There it was cancelled at '2pm' , and sent by messenger to Landstrasse Hauptstrasse which did. They applied the blue '9' for Leopoldstadt (pre-renumbering) which is at Taborstrasse and cancelled it at '2-3pm'. It arrived at Taborstrasse, also at '2-3pm', and was delivered to the 4th floor at the 3rd door of the Nordbahn Offices.
This item is discussed in the Favoriten section: "Wien 74-75"
This item seems to have been a "pass the parcel" object! It started at the central post office, receiving a WIEN 1/1 cancel at 9:20am and a directional '85' which is Gaudensdorf at III Schönbrunner Haupstrasse. The address is X Marx-Meidlingerstrasse, up the hill - so a routing to Gaudensdorf looks reasonable. On the back is a Gaudensdorf cancel timed at 9:45am. However it was then sent on a tour of the Bezirk X Sudbahnhof-Favoriten area, being cancelled at Wien 76 Sudbahnhof at 11:20, Wien 74 Favoriten also at 11:20, and Wien 76 Staatsbahnhof at 11:30. Hopefully it was then delivered!

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